Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus -
What’s the Difference?

Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus are variations of a certification program established by the UK government that provides basic guidelines and best practices for organisations to secure their computer systems and networks against cyber threats.

Cyber Essentials covers five key areas: firewalls, secure configuration, access control, malware protection, and patch management. To achieve this certification, businesses must complete a self-assessment questionnaire and have it independently verified. Click Here for more information

Cyber Essentials Plus is a more advanced certification that includes all of the requirements of the basic certification, but also includes an external vulnerability scan and an on site assessment. This provides organisations with a higher level of assurance that their systems are secure and helps them to demonstrate their commitment to cyber security to customers and partners. Click Here for more information

Which is Best for Your Organisation

When it comes to choosing between Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus, it depends on the specific needs of your business. For most small businesses, Cyber Essentials is likely to be sufficient. However, if your business handles sensitive data or is subject to strict regulatory requirements, Cyber Essentials Plus may be a better option.

Ultimately, both certifications can help improve your business’s cybersecurity posture and protect against common cyber threats. Choosing the right certification for your business will depend on your specific needs and the level of protection required.

Our team of experts can work with you to assess your business’s specific needs and vulnerabilities, and help you determine whether Cyber Essentials or Cyber Essentials Plus is the best fit for your organisation.

To speak to one of our advisors, please fill out the contact form below, and click Submit, our team will shortly be in contact with you to discuss Cyber Essential pricing and your initial assessment.

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